We Are Looking for Industry Class Facilitators!

In Southeast Asia, the emergence of the ASEAN economic community has led to a dynamic digital economy with unprecedented labor mobility and opportunity.

However, youth often struggle to build a competitive resume; they lack the necessary skills to navigate a labor market that is increasingly defined by short-term, portfolio-based digital work.

lingkaran in collaboration with Education Development Center (EDC) are making some effort to provide the industry class program for Vocational High School (SMK) students. We want to empower the students to believe in their capability and prepare them with relevant skills towards the industry 4.0 era; so they will be a future-ready workforce and even able to start their business. For this kick-off phase, we are lucky to have SMK 2 Gambir and SMK 51 Bambu Apus on board!

We are going to teach them about Business Model Canvas, hoping this would trigger their creativity to have a business idea and realizing it into a simple business prototype.

Now, how can you help?

For this program, we need a team of facilitators to assist the class and work together with our program team, the school board, and mentors. Seems like your jam?


We’re looking for 27 amazing people with this criteria:

  1. At least 19 year old by September 2018
  2. Live in Jabodetabek area
  3. Able to work on weekdays
  4. Committed to present for the whole program (from start to end)
  5. Have been involved in an organization or community group in the education/training field
  6. Have the ability to facilitate, teaching experience is a plus!

And your role will be:

  1. Assisting mentor during the program
  2. Facilitating students during the program
  3. Providing direction and helping the students with their assignment
  4. Coordinating students during the learning activity


Serving the nation through education is already one precious benefit, but here’s what else :

  1. Facilitating/teaching experience
  2. Certificate
  3. Meal
  4. Transport fee

If you’re up to do this, click the button and show us what you got! Apply before October 31st, 6 pm!

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Rofianisa Nurdin

lingkaran's Queen of Content, on which she (among other things) leads one of our program, CreativeMornings Jakarta, to highlight the bright individuals’ effort to make Jakarta a more lovable city.

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