Event CountDown
  • Event Date 2016/09/20  -  17:00 to 21:00
  • Event Venue Conclave
    Jalan Wijaya I No. 5C - Kebayoran Baru
  • Contact +62 812 1098 1048
  • email contact@lingkaran.co


Adryan Hafizh

Startup Incubator (Kolaborasi)

Do you know that most of the successful business relies on innovating their business model? Take Apple, which most of their hardware is built by the outsourced contract manufacturer in China, who also built Apple’s competitor hardware, Samsung.

So how could those two giants fight? Not by competing in hardware, but by innovating their business model.

In this course, we will guide you with several approaches to tweak your business model and innovate it. With a lot of real business case, we’ll uncover some of the industry secret recipes so your business will thrive and offer something unique in the market.

You will learn:

– Basic mindset and approach of business model development

– Small tweak but potentially big impact for their existing business model

– Using “Business Model Block” techniques to innovate

– Using “10 Types of Innovation” techniques to innovate

What to bring?

– Pen and papers

Project Output:

Several business model ideas based on participant’s startup


Target Learners:

This class is good for entrepreneur who already have their own startup, as well as anyone who want to build their own startup

Ticket Price: IDR 295,000

(including certificate and light meals)

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